1,988 research outputs found

    the case of Uruguay

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    27 p.Se estima la elasticidad de los ingresos en los servicios de transporte consumidos por los hogares a partir de datos de la Encuesta de Gastos e Ingresos de Uruguay de 1994 y 2006. Considerando los patrones de consumo en Uruguay, los bienes y servicios de transporte individual son artículos de lujo, mientras que los bienes relacionados con el transporte público son los normales. El transporte público permanece como un bien de lujo para el primer quintil de ingresos, un bien inferior para el quintil más rico, y un bien normal para el resto. Los patrones de consumo evolucionan a los que caracterizar a los países desarrollados. Se analizan las implicaciones para el diseño de políticas públicas, particularmente en cuanto a las decisiones de inversión, la financiación de las inversiones y las políticas reguladoras. La inversión pública en infraestructura o servicios de transporte no es considerada ingreso de los sectores beneficiados. Se cuestiona por lo tanto la validez de utilizar información de las decisiones de gasto para evaluar el impacto de las decisiones públicas en la distribución del bienestar

    Diseño y construcción de un elevador dúplex con capacidad de 25 KG para la biblioteca del Campus El Girón de la Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, sede Quito

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    Este proyecto se inicia en el marco teórico que aborda principalmente los conceptos básicos de los componentes de un elevador. Utilizando el estudio comparativo y de ponderación de criterios, se seleccionan las alternativas que mejor cumplan con los requerimientos planteados en el sistema de izaje, sistema de seguridad y sistema de puertas, también se elabora un Protocolo de Pruebas para los equipos. Una vez seleccionado el material a utilizarse, se realizan los cálculos estructurales y diseño de los diferentes componentes de los equipos en función a la carga que debe elevar y los esfuerzos a los que están sometidos en su funcionamiento habitual, así mismo se caracterizan los componentes que se requieren para su ensamble y funcionamiento adecuado, estos elevadores han sido instalados en la Biblioteca de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Sede El Girón para el transporte de textos u objetos propios de la misma. Finalmente se presentan los costos de construcción, conclusiones y recomendaciones que se deben tener en cuenta para su correcto desempeño

    Conocimiento de los docentes sobre primeros auxilios en las escuelas

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    Esta investigación pretende analizar y reflexionar sobre el conocimiento del docente para auxiliar al niño en problemas, tratando de interpretar, comprender e identificar factores condicionantes. Los resultados aportan información para actuaciones futuras en la educación por parte del personal de enfermería, de primeros auxilios y su uso a la hora de necesitarlo, de manera que el docente cuente con el conocimiento apropiado, para actuar de forma correcta llegado el caso. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: determinar el grado de conocimiento de los docentes sobre primeros auxilios y la forma de actuar frente a un accidente en la escuela; identificar cómo actúan los docentes frente a los accidentes en la escuela, según su conocimiento e identificar qué factores intervienen en el conocimiento de los docentes primarios sobre primeros auxilios.Fil: Cortez, Marcelo Javier. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Pérez, Elcira René. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Resource management for software defined data centers for heterogeneous infrastructures

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    Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) provides more resource management flexibility since everything is defined as a software, including the network as Software Defined Network (SDN).Typically, cloud providers overlook the network, which is configured in static way. SDN can help to meet applications goals with dynamic network configuration and provide best-efforts for QoS. Additionally, SDDC might benefit by instead of be composed by heavy Virtual Machines, use light-weight OS Containers. Despite the advantages of SDDC and OS Containers, it brings more complexity for resource provisioning. The goal of this project is to optimize the management of container based workloads deployed on Software defined Data Centers enabled with heterogeneous network fabrics through the use of network-aware placement algorithms that are driven by performance models

    Tasa generadora de viajes para el puerto de Montevideo. Una propuesta metodológica

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    The predictive analysis is becoming increasingly important in the definition of transport policies and in the design of operational activities. In the present article the developed methodology in order to attain an accurate estimation of the movement of containerized cargo on the entrance to the port of Montevideo is presented. Over the last years, the port of Montevideo has gone through an important growth. This, together with its operative features, its placing and interrelation with the country, and its development outlook for the future, requires the use of modern management tools, providing an important opportunity for investigation. The bibliography concerning the modeling of incoming/outgoing containerized cargo in ports is scarce and not always useful. In this article count models were developed, mainly Poisson regression, that explain the production/attraction of containerized cargo trips according to the previous declaration of wharf operation. This Poisson regression included binary and auto regressive lags variables in order to deal adequately with the temporary dimension of the problem.Trip generation, Poisson regressions, Count regressions, Autoregressive models.

    Optical and near-IR spectroscopy of low excitation H II regions with the GTC

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    This is an electronic version of an article published in Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica. Pérez-Montero, E., Castellanos, M. and Á.I.Díaz. Optical and near-IR spectroscopy of low excitation H II regions with the GTC. Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica 16 (2003): 304-30

    ENSO and SAM Influence on the Generation of Long Episodes of Rossby Wave Packets During Southern Hemisphere Summer

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    This study assesses the impact of low-frequency climate modes on Rossby Wave Packets (RWPs) during southern hemisphere summer. In particular, we focus on long-lived RWPs (lifespan above 8 days) and determine how El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) influence their statistics, that is, their duration, frequency of occurrence, and activity areas. We used daily mean meridional winds at 300 hPa from December to March between 1979 and 2020 from the ERA5 and NCEP-DOE 2 reanalyses. We found that long-lived wave packets, which are a small percentage of the total number of wave packets, show large interannual variability; there are years in which these types of waves do not occur and years that present up to 9 wave packets. This suggests that large-scale circulation conditions set up by low-frequency climate modes can modulate their occurrence. Classifying years according to SAM phases reveals that the occurrence of long-lived RWPs is highest (lowest) during intense negative (positive) SAM events. ENSO influence, on the other hand, was found to be weak and not robust. Analysis of large scale circulation conditions shows that during negative SAM phases the jet shifts northward, strengthens in the Indian sector, and extends further into the Pacific basin, so that it acts as a better waveguide favoring the propagation of long-lived RWPs. Conversely, during positive phases of SAM, the jet shifts southward and an anticyclonic center develops to the southwest of Australia blocking the jet and the progression of the wave packets.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813844 (ITN CAFÉ). C.M acknowledges partial support from Span-ish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PGC2018-099442-B-I00) and from ICREA ACADEMIA program of Generalitat de Catalunya.Postprint (published version

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Safety of Direct Treatment of Pulpal Protection as an Ultra-Conservative Option in Extensive Cervical Injuries

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    Treatment of deep caries can result in exposure of the dental pulp, even in teeth with sensitive but asymptomatic pulps. Direct pulp capping (DPU) is used to preserve pulp health, although it may sometimes require additional follow-up treatments, such as root canal treatment (RTC), which could have been performed immediately after exposure, possibly with better results. . The purpose of this case report is to highlight the advantages of RPD compared to TCR, which, while having a high success rate, is not a predominantly conservative approach. The follow-up evaluations were carried out in a time range that varied from 2 to 30 days. It is important to highlight that the present case contributes to the existing clinical evidence and provides a perspective on the effectiveness and clinical implications of RPD as an ultra-conservative alternative in the management of deep neck injuries